Car Rental Safaris and Tours Ltd | Terms of Service | Booking Terms & Conditions


Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited organizes different kinds of safaris and tour packages in Africa and other destinations. Here are the company terms of service that each client must read and understand before regarding our services. These terms of service carefully set out our obligations as an agent for and on behalf of the client in procuring their perfect holidays to our service destinations.

In these terms of service “you, your, client” means all persons named on a particular booking including those that are or substituted to the trip at a later date whereas, “us, we” refers to Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited. Terms of service can be updated depending on the circumstances in the travel destination and therefore read the terms before bookings.

For all safaris in Africa, you should keep in mind that most of the countries are of less standard those in developed countries. Standards of service, medical facilities, transport facilities, safety and security may often be lower than those in your home countries.

Please kindly note that the laws and regulations of the country in which services are provided are those that apply to your trip arrangements and not those of your home country.

All and any business or contracts undertaken or advice, information or services rendered by Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited, in connection with the services, whether gratuitous or not, is undertaken and provided in accordance with these standard terms and conditions of contract.


1. Trip Booking & Reservations
2. Changes to bookings
3. Prices and Payment
4. Cancellation Guidelines
5. Refund Policy
7. Liability
8. Force Majeure / Factors beyond the company’s control
9. Acceptance of terms

Trip Bookings & Reservations

We do offer and book services like transportation, accommodation, meals, safari activities working along with several independent suppliers.

For any booking, we do offer the latest information available to us and hold not responsibility over modifications from third parties or any other sources.

Once you confirm a safari with Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited, we require you to inform us of any other needs not included on our contact form. Requirements that should be communicated early include but are not limited to disability, required age for different activities, need of a translator, medical needs, special needs and other requirements.

When you confirm a trip with us, it is expected of you to provide your full names as they appear in your passport, passport number and your nationality to help us reserve for gorilla permits and domestic flights.

No proposed trip package is guaranteed available until it is confirmed. 30% payment is expected for the trip to be declared confirmed.

The free quote/price/cost offered on the itinerary is only subject to the inclusions in the itinerary. Any changes to the itinerary are subject to either a deduction or an increase on the total cost.

For accommodation reservations, unless a specific accommodation is requested, we recommend the best facility depending on your budget. Prices are fully dependent on the hotel/lodge arrangement and are dependent on the type of room and season of the year. Services offered at these facilities are completely their responsibility and not ours.

Changes to bookings

Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited will make every effort to adhere to the confirmed itinerary, however, where involuntary changes are significant such as change of accommodation or transportation, Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited undertakes;

To provide a reasonable alternative at no extra cost. This is subject to the terms and conditions of the supplier.

In case you reject the reasonable alternative or a reasonable alternative can not be found at the moment we refund the money for the involuntary changes and have no responsibility in finding you such an alternative.

We assist you in identifying alternative services and all additional charges being involved, to be paid for by you.

Should you wish to make a voluntary change to your booking, Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited will endeavor to accommodate you. However, we deserve the right to charge the applicable cancellation fee as to this agreement and as well charge for any additional costs to the relevant supplier.

Prices and Payment

Before you make any payments with us please ensure that you have read and understood the terms of service that govern our payment policy;

You will be liable to the total confirmed price that you consent to before any bookings. This is exclusive of any payments made by you for exclusions on the quoted price as well as any changes to the confirmed bookings.

Prices vary depending on the kind of trip, number of day and accommodations of choice. We shall always advise on which kind of trip could be more affordable for you.
All payments to Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited should be made by credit cards or electronic funds transfer. Travellers cheques are not accepted as of yet. Any other way of payment can only be accepted unless approved by us.

In order to confirm our client’s reservation, Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited requires 30% deposit payment. Greater deposits or full payments may be required in instances of special booking or high season travel. This is valid when you make your booking more than 80 days (10) weeks before your trip date.

In case of a 30% deposit payment, balance of payment is due 80 days before commencement date of your itinerary

100% payment is required for all bookings made 80 days and less before departure of the trip.

Failure to fulfill the payment policy, we shall declare your booking cancelled.

Cancellation Guidelines

Confirmed bookings maybe cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances and therefore here are guidelines that govern cancellation of a booking with Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited either done by you or us.

Cancellation by you should be made known to us in writing, we shall only consider the cancellation valid upon receiving your written cancellation.

To cover our estimated loss after your cancellation, since we may not be able to resell your holiday, any refunds will be according to the refund policy of this agreement.

We shall not cancel your confirmed holiday less than 60 days before departure unless we are forced to do so due to unusual and unforeseeable circumstances that go beyond our control.

We reserve the right without prior notice to cancel a booking of any person or party if in our opinion or in the opinion of any other person in authority, the persons concerned behave in such a way to cause or be likely to cause danger, annoyance or distress to any third party or damage property.

In case a person is already on their trip and is required to leave an accommodation facility or any other service immediately, we shall not have any further responsibility such a person (s) and won’t pay for any charges incurred as a result of service termination.

Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited will make all efforts to avoid misquotation. However, we deserve the right to cancel a reservation without liability or penalty if an obvious error or omissions lead to a material cost implication.

In an instance where Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited is able to obtain waivers of cancellation and/or secure an ex-gratia refund from suppliers we will pass this to you less the service fee. However, we do not guarantee securing any waivers or refunds.

Refund Policy

In case of cancellation for group or individual tours prior booked with Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited  these charges are applicable and herein is the refund policy;

Time / Period of cancellation Refundable Amount
90 – 60 days / 3 months – 2 months before start of trip90 – 60 days / 3 months – 2 months before start of trip 30% of the paid amount will be charged and 70% refunded to the client
60 – 30 days / 2 months – 1 month before the start of trip 50% of paid amount will be charged and 50% refunded to the client
30 – 1 day / Less than 1 month before the start of trip 100% of the paid amount will be charged and 0% refunded to the client

Note: This refund policy and cancellation guidelines are those of Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited. The amount refundable is generated as a result of bookings that are always accomplished within a number of days before the start of the trip.

Please ensure that you read and understand our cancellation and refund policy before making any cancellations.

This refund policy and cancellation guidelines are standard and not negotiable.

No refunds will be offered by Car Rental Safaris for partly used vouchers or no show.


In case you have any complaint be it with our services or those of our suppliers, complaints must be reported immediately to our representative especially the person who helped you book your safari. If you are dissatisfied, a written complaint should be made not later than 20 days after completion of your safari with us to help us make investigations on the matter. Any complaints not notified in accordance with this procedure cannot be accepted.


Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited shall make reasonable effort to ensure that (a) all component parts of the trip are offered as described in the confirmed booking to a reasonable standard. We shall also ensure that our employees, agents, suppliers and subcontractors exercise due care in carrying out our obligations under a contract.

We accept responsibility for what our employees, agents, suppliers and subcontractors do or do not do only if they were at the time carrying out work authorized by us. We accept to make compensations in case our clients do not feel satisfied with the service but this is to be done in accordance with the policy of the supplier.

Our maximum liability in respect to complaints (except where death, personal injury or illness results, or where claims relate to loss or damage to possessions or luggage) is limited to an amount equal to the cost paid by or on behalf of the person affected for the relevant services. The maximum amount will only be paid when the person/client affected has derived no benefit from the trip and none of the services contracted have been provided.

Liability for loss or damage of property like luggage by our employees, agents, suppliers and subcontractors will be compensated to a maximum of USD 30 on the basis that the client is assumed to have taken out adequate insurance cover in respect of such losses at the time of booking.

All this acceptance of responsibility after a complaint was submitted in accordance to our contract is subject to the clause relating to “Force Majeure” and all these terms and conditions generally.

We shall do all our services with care to prevent death or injury to our clients however, it is your responsibility to take proper medical and practical precautions (including not moving in safari destinations without the guidance of the person at your service). You should always seek medical advice before travelling. We are only liable to any injuries caused “directly” by our employees, agents, suppliers and subcontractors.

Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited is not liable in incidences where there is failure to perform or improper performance due to;

The acts or omissions of a third party not connected with the provision of the trip under the contract and which were unforeseeable or unavoidable

An event which we or the supplier of the relevant services could not have foreseen or avoided even with all due care. Any client complaints must be notified to us in accordance with the complaint procedure stated in the clause above.

Force Majeure / Factors beyond the company’s control

Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited regrets that we can not accept any liability or pay compensation where the performance or proper performance of our obligations is prevented or affected by an event which we or the supplier of the service (s) in question could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. Such unforeseeable events include but are not limited to war or threat of war, civil strife, riots, border closures, unexpected government acts, terrorist activity, extreme weather conditions, industrial disputes, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, road closures, pilferage, epidemics, danger incident to sea, quarantines, land and air travel.

To run our services effectively, we purchase hotel accommodations, transportation, medical evacuation services, and several other services from various independent suppliers that are not subject to our control. We are therefore not liable for any death, injury, property damage or any other loss that may occur due to any act or omission of any such supplier, or by reason of any other event over which we have no control.

Some trip activities including but not limited to white water rafting, walking safaris, gorilla trekking, chimp tracking, mountaineering/hiking, balloon tours, boat cruises may expose you to risk. You should be aware that your personal safety is not guaranteed. You can choose to take this activity however, we do not take responsibility of any damage.

Car Rental Safaris and Tours Limited reserves the right to revise US Dollar prices without notice to reflect marked increases in foreign exchange or tariff rates before receiving the deposit from you.

Acceptance of Terms

We reserve the right to change our terms of service without your notice in accordance to changes in our service. The terms of service on our website during your trip with us are those that are applicable.

By making a deposit with us we believe that you have read and understood the terms of service and are bound to them.

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